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The OutRAGEous Mommy

Mar 9, 2023

Hello spicy mommy! 

Did you experience postpartum rage? Would you know what symptoms to look out for? 

Postpartum rage isn't in the DSM yet, but I know so many moms who go through intense emotions when they've had a baby. 

In this episode, we'll do a deep dive into the topic, and you'll learn the following: 

  • The signs of postpartum rage
  • Why sleep is a huge factor 
  • How to ask your doctor and family for help
  • Simple ways to look after your health and well-being when you don't feel like doing anything. 

And so much more! 

If you want to learn more about mom Rage, join me this Monday, March 13th, at 8:00 PM I will do a free workshop on Instagram.

You can also sign up on my website,, or my Instagram page, Mommy's Life Coach.