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The OutRAGEous Mommy

Jan 26, 2023

Hello spicy mommy! 

You'll love this episode when Jodi Schilling, host of Good Mom Coach. She's a certified life coach, school behavior specialist, and mom of four grown neurodiverse humans.

Jodi believes that human behavior communicates human needs and teaches moms to let go of control and adjust expectations.

"It's part of being human to have emotional reactions, unmet needs, and frustration. And I don't know where we got this idea so deeply ingrained that it's not okay to feel that, but I don't think it does us any good or our kids or society in general when we continue to shame emotion and anger or to categorize some as better than others."

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How does one successfully manage a family of early adults with diverse needs, personalities, and strengths?
2. Behavior as Communication: What is the purpose of the behavior, and how can we better understand and respond to it?
3. Lowering Expectations: How can one adjust expectations to make space for new experiences and promote acceptance and inclusivity?



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